

Meaning & Definition

The act of choosing or selecting from a group.
The selection of the winner was announced at the ceremony.
A set of items or a variety of things that have been chosen.
The menu offered a wide selection of gourmet dishes.
A choice or range of things from which a choice can be made.
They had a good selection of books available for checkout.
The process by which certain traits or characteristics are favored over others in biological evolution.
Natural selection plays a key role in the evolution of species.


From Latin 'selectio', from 'seligere', meaning 'to choose'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

selective school:
A school that admits students based on certain preferred criteria.
selection committee:
A group responsible for choosing candidates for a position or award.
selection process:
The method by which candidates are chosen.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A curated list or collection, often with a specific purpose.
Check out their playlist; it's a real selection!
A trendy or quality choice among options.
This restaurant's menu has a great selection, bro!