Meaning & Definition of word "Scrawl"




  • 1. A carelessly or hastily written note or piece of writing.
    • Example: She received a scrawl on a napkin with a phone number and address.
  • 2. A messy or illegible handwriting.
    • Example: The teacher struggled to decipher the student's scrawl on the exam paper.


  • 1. To write or draw carelessly and quickly.
    • Example: He would often scrawl his thoughts in a notebook before they slipped away.
  • 2. To write in a messy or illegible way.
    • Example: The child's scrawl was difficult to read, but it was clear they had put effort into it.


Middle English 'scrallen', possibly of imitative origin.

Common Phrases and Expressions

scrawl something down:

to write something quickly and carelessly.

in a scrawl:

written in a hasty or messy style.

torn from the scrawl:

to draw attention from hastily written notes.

Related Words


to write or draw carelessly.


a simple, spontaneous, or unconscious drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied.


to write or mark down hastily.

Slang Meanings of scrawl

Meaning: to write something quickly without care for neatness

Example Sentence: Just scrawl it down, I don't need it to look perfect.

Meaning: to produce something poorly written or drawn

Example Sentence: My notes are just a scrawl; I barely understood the lecture.