Meaning & Definition of word "Scheme"
- 1. A systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
- Example: The company has devised a new scheme to improve employee productivity.
- 2. A secret or underhanded plan; a plot.
- Example: The villain's scheme was uncovered before it could be executed.
- 3. A diagram, plan, or model; a representation of a system.
- Example: The architect presented a detailed scheme of the new building.
- 1. To devise a plan, especially a secret or underhanded one.
- Example: He was scheming to take control of the company without anyone noticing.
●From Latin schema, from Greek skhema 'shape, form, figure'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
scheme of things:
the arrangement or organization of events
the big scheme:
a comprehensive view of a situation or plan
under the scheme:
according to a specific plan or framework
Related Words
relating to an outline or diagram
having a tendency to scheme or plot
previously planned or contrived
Slang Meanings of scheme
Meaning: To devise or plan something, often in a crafty or secretive way.
● Example Sentence: He's always scheming up new ways to make money.
Meaning: To make plans for something unethical or dishonest.
● Example Sentence: She was caught scheming against her coworkers.