

Meaning & Definition

In various religious traditions, particularly in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, Satan is often considered a supernatural being that embodies evil and opposes God.
Many believers view Satan as the ultimate adversary in the struggle between good and evil.
A term used to refer to someone who is seen as wicked or malevolent.
He acted like a Satan, causing chaos wherever he went.
In literature and popular culture, a character representing evil or temptation.
The book features a Satan-like character who leads others astray with false promises.


From Latin 'Satanas', Greek 'Satanas', from Hebrew 'שָּׂטָן' (Satan) meaning 'the accuser'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

satanic ritual:
A ceremony believed to invoke or appease Satan.
the satanic verses:
A phrase referring to controversial texts attributed to or relating to Satan.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

An embodiment of bad luck or misfortune.
I thought my new car was a satan with all these breakdowns.
Used to describe someone crafty or deceitful.
He's such a satan in negotiations, always trying to pull a fast one.