Meaning & Definition of word "Rough"




  • 1. A rough or unpolished version of something.
    • Example: She submitted a rough of her painting for critique.


  • 1. To make rough or rougher; to damage the surface of.
    • Example: The storm roughed up the coast, leaving debris everywhere.


  • 1. Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
    • Example: The rough surface of the stone made it difficult to walk on.
  • 2. Not gentle or mild; harsh or vigorous.
    • Example: He spoke to her in a rough voice after the argument.
  • 3. Not finished or completed; in a preliminary or unfinished state.
    • Example: The rough draft of the report needs to be revised before submission.


Old English 'ruh,' meaning 'rough, shaggy.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

rough around the edges:

lacking refinement or polish, but having potential.

rough and tumble:

rough, vigorous, and aggressive behavior.

rough it:

to live without the comforts normally provided.

get rough:

to become aggressive or harsh.

Related Words


having a rough or uneven surface.


rough in texture or not fine.


unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.

Slang Meanings of rough

Meaning: to act in a tough or aggressive manner.

Example Sentence: He had to get rough with them to make them listen.

Meaning: to handle something in a careless or rough manner.

Example Sentence: Don't be rough with that painting; it's very valuable.