Meaning & Definition of word "Roll"




  • 1. A cylindrical object or shape.
    • Example: I bought a roll of wrapping paper for the gift.
  • 2. A small loaf of bread, typically round.
    • Example: Would you like a roll with your soup?
  • 3. A complete list or record of names.
    • Example: The teacher took the roll at the beginning of class.
  • 4. A rolling motion or movement.
    • Example: The car made a roll down the hill.


  • 1. To move by turning over and over on an axis.
    • Example: The dog loves to roll in the grass.
  • 2. To cause to move in a circle or course.
    • Example: She rolled the ball to her friend.
  • 3. To make something into a rounded shape.
    • Example: He rolled the dough into a ball before baking.
  • 4. To turn over and over, especially in a tedious or gradual way.
    • Example: The river rolled over the rocks as it flowed downhill.
  • 5. To move with a succession of small, gentle movements.
    • Example: The waves rolled gently onto the shore.


Middle English: rol(en), of Germanic origin; related to the Dutch rollen and the German rollen.

Common Phrases and Expressions

roll with the punches:

to adapt to difficulties and continue to succeed.

roll out the red carpet:

to give someone a special welcome.

roll in the deep:

to experience deep emotions, often associated with loss.

Related Words


a device used to roll something, such as paint or dough.


an act of rolling over, often used in financial contexts.


to move displayed text or images up or down on a screen.

Slang Meanings of roll

Meaning: to smoke marijuana in a rolled joint

Example Sentence: Let's roll a joint before the party.

Meaning: to leave or depart quickly

Example Sentence: It's getting late, we should roll.