Meaning & Definition of word "Reservation"




  • 1. An arrangement made in advance to secure accommodations, a seat, etc.
    • Example: I made a reservation at the restaurant for our anniversary dinner.
  • 2. A doubt or feeling that one does not fully accept something.
    • Example: She accepted the job offer, but with some reservations about the workload.
  • 3. A designated area of land set aside for a specific purpose, often for the occupation of a particular group.
    • Example: The Native American reservation was established to preserve their cultural heritage.


From Latin 'reservatio', meaning 'keeping back, retention'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

reservation system:

A method for managing and processing reservations for services.

make a reservation:

To arrange for something in advance.

cancel a reservation:

To terminate a previously made arrangement.

Related Words


To hold back or keep for future use.


A place where water is stored.


The act of making a reservation.

Slang Meanings of reservation

Meaning: Getting a spot in a crowded venue.

Example Sentence: I put my name down for a reservation at that new club, they're hard to get into.

Meaning: An exclusive invite or ticket.

Example Sentence: Having a reservation for that concert means you can skip the line.