

Meaning & Definition

Bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing.
Despite their long feud, she tried to let go of the rancor she felt towards him.
An underlying feeling of hatred or ill will.
The rancor between the two rival teams was palpable during the final match.
A deep-seated dislike or ill will.
Years had passed, but the rancor from the old dispute still lingered in the community.
Long-lasting bitterness or animosity.
The rancor in her voice revealed the pain of past betrayals.
A feeling of anger and resentment over something that happened a long time ago.
He spoke with rancor about the decisions that had led to his dismissal from the company.


Middle English 'rancour', from Old French 'rancoeur', derived from Latin 'rankor', meaning 'rankness, bitterness'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hold rancor:
To maintain feelings of bitterness and resentment towards someone.
no rancor:
Without bitterness or resentment.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Bad blood
There's been bad blood between them since the argument.
They have some beef over that trade deal.