Meaning & Definition of word "Psychological"




  • 1. Relating to the mind or mental processes.
    • Example: The psychological effects of trauma can last for many years.
  • 2. Pertaining to the study of the mind and behavior.
    • Example: She is pursuing a degree in psychological science to understand human behavior.
  • 3. Influencing or arising from the mental or emotional state of a person.
    • Example: The psychological thriller kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
  • 4. Relating to psychological theory, therapy, or practices.
    • Example: He sought psychological counseling to address his anxiety issues.


Derived from the Greek word 'psyche' meaning 'soul, mind' + 'logia' meaning 'study of'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

psychological warfare:

The use of psychological tactics to demoralize or destabilize an opponent.

psychological profile:

A comprehensive description of an individual's psychological traits.

caught in a psychological trap:

Being in a situation that entangles someone psychologically.

Related Words


The scientific study of the mind and behavior.


A trained professional who provides therapy for mental health issues.


The study of psychological disorders and their symptoms.

Slang Meanings of psychological

Meaning: Mind games

Example Sentence: She plays mind games with her friends to see how they react.

Meaning: Head case

Example Sentence: He's a bit of a head case, always overthinking things.