Meaning & Definition
Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
It's prudent to save a portion of your salary for emergencies.
Showing wisdom and judiciousness in practical matters.
The board was prudent in its decision to invest only in low-risk opportunities.
Careful and sensible; wise in handling practical matters.
Her prudent approach to budgeting helped her stay out of debt.
Marked by careful consideration or forethought.
Given the potential risks, it was prudent to get insurance before starting the new venture.
Cautious or judicious in practical affairs.
Prudent management of resources can lead to long-term sustainability.
From Middle English prudent, from Old French prudent, from Latin prudentem (nominative prudens) 'foreseeing, sagacious, wise', from prōvidēre 'to foresee'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
prudent man:
A person who is careful and sensible in making decisions.
prudent decision:
A choice made with careful consideration of the consequences.
prudent measures:
Precautions taken to ensure safety or manage risk.
Slang Meanings
Playing it safe
She's always playing it safe with her investments; pretty prudent if you ask me.
Being a square
He's known as a square for his prudent lifestyle choices.