Meaning & Definition of word "Procrastinate"




  • 1. to delay or postpone action; to put off doing something.
    • Example: Many students tend to procrastinate when it comes to writing their term papers.
  • 2. to defer an event or action to a later time.
    • Example: She procrastinated on her errands until she had no time left in the day.
  • 3. to be slow or late in doing something.
    • Example: He tends to procrastinate when faced with difficult decisions.


From Latin 'procrastinare', from 'pro-' (forward) + 'crastinus' (of tomorrow)

Common Phrases and Expressions

put off until tomorrow:

to delay something that could be done today

kick the can down the road:

to postpone a decision or action

drag one's feet:

to be deliberately slow in doing something

Related Words


the action of delaying or postponing something


a person who procrastinates


causing something to happen at a later time

Slang Meanings of procrastinate

Meaning: putting it off

Example Sentence: I keep putting it off until I run out of time.

Meaning: hitting snooze on life

Example Sentence: He's always hitting snooze on life instead of taking action.