Meaning & Definition of word "Poppycock"




  • 1. Nonsense; foolishness.
    • Example: His claim that he could run a mile in under three minutes was pure poppycock.
  • 2. Empty talk or ideas.
    • Example: The politician's speech was filled with poppycock that failed to address the real issues.
  • 3. An absurd or nonsensical story or assertion.
    • Example: Don't listen to her theories about aliens; it's all just poppycock.


The term poppycock is thought to come from the Dutch 'pappekak', which means soft dung.

Common Phrases and Expressions

That's a load of poppycock:

It's complete nonsense.

Poppycock and nonsense:

Refers to something that is absurd or untrue.

Related Words


Nonsense or foolish words.


Rejecting something as absurd or false.

Slang Meanings of poppycock

Meaning: Fab nonsense

Example Sentence: His claims are just fab poppycock.

Meaning: Complete rubbish

Example Sentence: That story is complete poppycock!