Meaning & Definition of word "Pervert"




  • 1. A person who has abnormal or unwholesome sexual desires.
    • Example: The story revolves around a detective tracking down a notorious pervert in the city.
  • 2. A person who practices perversion in thought or behavior.
    • Example: She refused to engage with anyone she considered a pervert after the incident.


  • 1. To alter or corrupt something from its original course, meaning, or state.
    • Example: The media can sometimes pervert the truth to fit their narrative.
  • 2. To lead someone away from what is considered right, good, or true.
    • Example: He feared that bad influences would pervert his child's moral development.


Middle English 'perverten', from Latin 'pervertere', meaning 'to turn completely around'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

pervert justice:

to act in a way that undermines justice.

pervert the course of history:

to change the natural development of historical events.

perverted sense of humor:

a humor that is viewed as socially inappropriate or offensive.

Related Words


an alteration of something from its original meaning or state.


deviating from what is considered moral or normal.


showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable.

Slang Meanings of pervert

Meaning: a person with deviant sexual perversions.

Example Sentence: He's such a perv for always making those inappropriate jokes.

Meaning: to twistedly enjoy something in a way that is socially frowned upon.

Example Sentence: She pervs out on watching those creepy horror movies.