Meaning & Definition of word "Penumbra"




  • 1. The partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object.
    • Example: During the solar eclipse, the penumbra is the area where only a part of the sun is obscured.
  • 2. A shadowy, marginal area or a state of ambiguity.
    • Example: The penumbra of uncertainty surrounding the decision made many stakeholders anxious.
  • 3. A region of a gradient between light and shadow.
    • Example: The artist skillfully portrayed the penumbra of twilight in his landscape painting.


From Latin 'paene' meaning 'nearly' and 'umbra' meaning 'shadow'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

penumbral eclipse:

An eclipse in which the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbra, resulting in only a slight darkening.

penumbral zone:

A transitional area where light gradually diminishes before becoming fully dark.

Related Words


The fully shaded inner region of a shadow.


A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.


The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Slang Meanings of penumbra

Meaning: A vague or obscure area in a situation.

Example Sentence: His explanation was in the penumbra of uncertainty about the project.

Meaning: A gray area where rules are not clearly defined.

Example Sentence: In the penumbra of policies, employees might cut corners.