

Meaning & Definition

friendly and socially confident; willing to communicate and interact with others.
She has an outgoing personality, making her very popular among her peers.
departing or going out.
The outgoing flight leaves at 10:00 AM, so we need to be at the airport by 8:30.
of a person, tending to be sociable and extroverted.
His outgoing nature helps him excel in sales.


From out + going, meaning going out or leaving.

Common Phrases and Expressions

outgoing personality:
A character trait of being friendly and sociable.
outgoing call:
A phone call made from one person to another.
outgoing mail:
Mail that is sent out, as opposed to incoming mail.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Party animal
He's such a party animal; he’s outgoing and loves to socialize.
Social butterfly
She's a social butterfly, always flitting from one group of friends to another.