Meaning & Definition of word "Nursery"




  • 1. A place where young children are cared for during the day while their parents are at work, often part of an educational system.
    • Example: She decided to enroll her son in a nursery to help him socialize with other children.
  • 2. A place where plants are grown for sale or for planting elsewhere.
    • Example: He visited the nursery to buy new plants for his garden.
  • 3. A room or area designated for the care and housing of infants or young children.
    • Example: The nursery at the hospital was bright and cheerful, designed to comfort new parents.
  • 4. The act or process of nurturing or raising children or young plants.
    • Example: The nursery of the garden showed how well she cared for the seedlings.


Middle English, from Old French 'nurserie', from 'nurser' meaning to nourish.

Common Phrases and Expressions

Nursery rhyme:

A short poem or song for children, often with a musical quality.

Nursery school:

A school for children, especially for those below the age of kindergarten.

Green nursery:

A nursery primarily for growing plants.

Related Words


A person responsible for looking after someone in need of assistance.


The act of taking care of children, especially in a nursery or daycare setting.


The science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, herbs, sprouts, and non-food crops.

Slang Meanings of nursery

Meaning: Baby factory

Example Sentence: They call the nursery a baby factory due to the constant flow of infants.

Meaning: Play area

Example Sentence: The kids turned the nursery into a complete play area.