Meaning & Definition of word "Nestling"




  • 1. A young bird that has not yet acquired its feathers and is still dependent on its parents.
    • Example: The mother bird returned to the nest to feed the nestling.
  • 2. A young or inexperienced person.
    • Example: The coach was patient with the nestlings on the team, understanding their need for guidance.
  • 3. A plant or fungus in its early stages of growth.
    • Example: The garden was filled with beautiful flowers, but the nestlings of the new seedlings were still delicate.


Derived from the verb 'nest' combined with the diminutive suffix '-ling'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

nestling stage:

The early phase of development where one relies on others.

to be as safe as a nestling:

To be in a very safe or protected situation.

nestle into:

To settle comfortably in a place.

Related Words


To develop wing feathers that are large enough for flight.


A structure built by birds to hold their eggs and young.


A group of young birds hatched at the same time.

Slang Meanings of nestling

Meaning: A term used to refer to a new or inexperienced person in a field.

Example Sentence: In the office, he was treated like a nestling, still learning the ropes.