Meaning & Definition of word "Motion"




  • 1. The act or process of moving or being moved.
    • Example: The motion of the train was smooth as it traveled along the tracks.
  • 2. A formal proposal put to a legislature or committee.
    • Example: The motion to increase funding for education was passed unanimously.
  • 3. The ability to move freely and easily.
    • Example: After her surgery, she regained motion in her arm.


  • 1. To move or direct something in a particular way.
    • Example: He motioned for her to come over.


Derived from Latin 'motio', meaning 'a moving, motion'

Common Phrases and Expressions

in motion:

In a state of movement or activity.

motion to adjourn:

A formal proposal to end a meeting.

motion sickness:

Nausea caused by motion while traveling.

Related Words


The ability to move from one place to another.


The act of furthering or encouraging something.


A noisy disturbance or uproar.

Slang Meanings of motion

Meaning: Getting things going.

Example Sentence: Let's get the motion rolling on this project.

Meaning: To make moves in a situation.

Example Sentence: He's making all the right motions to get promoted.