Meaning & Definition of word "Mostly"




  • 1. For the most part; mainly or primarily.
    • Example: The conference attendees were mostly from the tech industry.
  • 2. To a large extent; not entirely.
    • Example: She is mostly happy with her new job, but there are some challenges.
  • 3. In a way that is typical; generally.
    • Example: The weather here is mostly mild during the spring.
  • 4. Predominantly; more than anything else.
    • Example: He mostly reads fiction but sometimes enjoys biographies.


Middle English; from most + -ly

Common Phrases and Expressions

mostly harmless:

Generally considered not to be a threat.

mostly for the sake of:

Primarily done for the purpose of.

mostly true:

Largely accurate but with some exceptions.

Related Words


The greatest in quantity, extent, or degree.


A greater amount or degree.


The greater number or part.

Slang Meanings of mostly

Meaning: Mostly chill

Example Sentence: I'm mostly chill with the plans for the weekend.

Meaning: Mostly down

Example Sentence: I'm mostly down to go to the concert.