Meaning & Definition of word "Marcher"




  • 1. A person who participates in a march, particularly for a political or social cause.
    • Example: Thousands of marchers gathered in the city to advocate for climate change reforms.
  • 2. A soldier or member of the military who marches as part of a parade or military exercise.
    • Example: The marchers from the battalion displayed impressive discipline during the annual military parade.
  • 3. A participant in any organized activity that involves walking together in a procession.
    • Example: The charity event drew a diverse group of marchers, each with their own reasons for joining.


From Middle English 'marchen', meaning to walk with regular steps.

Common Phrases and Expressions

March for our Lives:

A movement advocating for gun control and the prevention of gun violence.

March in unison:

To walk together at the same pace.

March to the beat of your own drum:

To act according to your own ideas and not follow others.

Related Words


The act of walking in a steady, rhythmic manner.


A person who takes part in a public display of protest.

Slang Meanings of marcher

Meaning: A term for someone who is overly enthusiastic about social causes.

Example Sentence: He's such a marcher; he can't stop talking about his latest protest.

Meaning: An exaggerated term for people who attend multiple demonstrations.

Example Sentence: She’s a real marcher; she’s been to marches every weekend this month.