Meaning & Definition of word "Malaise"




  • 1. A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
    • Example: After several days of feeling tired and experiencing malaise, she decided to see a doctor.
  • 2. A condition or period of dissatisfaction, anxiety, or unease, often perceived in society as a whole.
    • Example: The economic malaise in the country led to widespread protests and calls for reform.
  • 3. A vague or unfocused feeling of mental or physical discomfort.
    • Example: He attributed his malaise to the stress of his job and lack of rest.


French, from 'mal' meaning 'bad' + 'aise' meaning 'ease'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

general malaise:

A widespread feeling of discomfort or unease.

social malaise:

A state of societal discomfort or discontent.

economic malaise:

A prolonged period of economic stagnation or uncertainty.

Related Words


A state of being unwell or having a disease.


A lack of comfort or ease; unease.


A condition of pain, suffering, or distress.

Slang Meanings of malaise

Meaning: Bummer

Example Sentence: I felt a total bummer after missing the concert.

Meaning: Downer

Example Sentence: That news was such a downer for everyone.