Meaning & Definition of word "Mag"




  • 1. A magazine, often abbreviated as 'mag', typically published on a regular schedule and containing articles, illustrations, and advertisements.
    • Example: I picked up the latest fashion mag to see the new trends.
  • 2. A device or container for holding ammunition for a firearm.
    • Example: He loaded the bullets into the mag before heading to the shooting range.
  • 3. A slang term for 'magnet', often used in the context of electronics or mechanics.
    • Example: The mag was strong enough to hold the metal parts in place.


  • 1. To magnify or increase in size or importance, often used in informal contexts.
    • Example: She tends to mag her accomplishments when talking to her friends.


Abbreviation of 'magazine'; derived from the Arabic word 'makhzan' meaning 'storehouse'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

mag cover:

The front page of a magazine.

mag subscription:

An agreement to receive magazines regularly.

mag rack:

A display stand for magazines.

Related Words


A collection of written articles, photos, etc.


A person responsible for content in a magazine.


A particular edition of a magazine.

Slang Meanings of mag

Meaning: A small or compact magazine

Example Sentence: I've got a mag for my pistol that fits nicely in my pocket.

Meaning: To magazine or popularize something quickly

Example Sentence: They really magged that new trend on social media.