

Meaning & Definition

Causing hatred or disgust; repulsive.
The loathsome behavior of the criminal shocked everyone in the community.
Extremely unpleasant; offensive.
She couldn't stand the loathsome smell coming from the garbage.
Deserving of strong dislike or aversion.
His loathsome attitude towards others made him few friends.


Middle English, from loath + -some

Common Phrases and Expressions

loathsome task:
A job or duty that is highly unpleasant or distasteful.
loathsome behavior:
Actions that are regarded as morally repugnant.
loathsome attitude:
A way of thinking or behaving that is contemptible and repulsive.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Super gross or extremely unpleasant.
That new restaurant's food was just loathsome.
Highly disliked or detested.
He's such a loathsome character in the movie.