Meaning & Definition of word "Livid"




  • 1. furiously angry.
    • Example: He was livid when he found out that his younger brother had broken his favorite toy.
  • 2. having a discolored, bluish appearance, especially due to bruising.
    • Example: After the fall, her leg was livid with large purplish bruises.
  • 3. intensely furious; enraged.
    • Example: The customer was livid after receiving poor service at the restaurant.


From Latin 'lividus', meaning 'bluish' or 'lead-colored'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

livid with rage:

Extremely angry.

livid as a ghost:

Very pale, as in showing shock or fear.

Related Words


Extremely angry; enraged.


Wild or violent anger.


Angry due to an unfair situation.

Slang Meanings of livid

Meaning: Pissed off

Example Sentence: He was so pissed off when he lost the game.

Meaning: Fuming

Example Sentence: She was fuming about the missed deadline.

Meaning: Seeing red

Example Sentence: When he heard the news, he was seeing red.