

Meaning & Definition

to make or become less in amount, degree, or intensity
The medication is designed to lessen the pain associated with the condition.
to reduce the severity or impact of something
They took steps to lessen the damage caused by the storm.
to diminish in degree or extent
As time passed, her fear began to lessen.
to decrease in size, amount, or force
The number of participants in the event has begun to lessen.
to make something smaller or less significant
The company hopes to lessen its environmental impact through new policies.


Middle English, from lesse, lesser, from Old English læs, of less

Common Phrases and Expressions

lessen the blow:
to make something unpleasant less severe
lessen the burden:
to reduce a difficulty or obligation
lessen the impact:
to reduce the effect of something

Related Words

Slang Meanings

tone it down
You need to lessen your criticism a little.
cool it
Just lessen your complaints and enjoy the trip.