Meaning & Definition of word "Laden"




  • 1. past participle of 'lade', meaning to load a ship or vehicle.
    • Example: The ship was laden with cargo for the long journey ahead.
  • 2. to load or burden, especially something heavy.
    • Example: They ladened the horses with supplies before setting off.


  • 1. heavily loaded or weighed down.
    • Example: The laden cart struggled to move up the steep hill.
  • 2. filled or burdened with something.
    • Example: The air was laden with the scent of blooming flowers.
  • 3. having a lot of a particular quality or feeling.
    • Example: Her voice was laden with emotion as she recounted the story.


The word 'laden' comes from the Old English 'ladian', meaning to load or carry.

Common Phrases and Expressions

laden with:

heavily filled or burdened with something.

laden down:

to be weighed down or heavily burdened.

Related Words


The amount that can be carried or transported.


A heavy load, often causing distress.

Slang Meanings of laden

Meaning: Loaded with problems or stress.

Example Sentence: I'm so laden with work this week, I can't even think straight.

Meaning: Overwhelmed by emotions.

Example Sentence: She felt laden with sadness after the news.