Meaning & Definition of word "Jibe"




  • 1. A taunting or sarcastic remark.
    • Example: She couldn't help but respond to his jibe with her own witty comeback.
  • 2. An instance of agreement or consistency.
    • Example: There was a surprising jibe among the two reports, pointing to the accuracy of the findings.


  • 1. To make a mocking or insulting remark.
    • Example: His jibe at her new hairstyle made her feel self-conscious.
  • 2. To agree or conform.
    • Example: Their stories finally jibe after all the confusion.


Early 20th century, possibly from the phrase 'to jibe at'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

jibe with:

To be in agreement or harmony with.

jibe at:

To make a contemptuous remark or poke fun at.

Related Words


A remark that mocks or ridicules.


The act of making derisive remarks.

Slang Meanings of jibe

Meaning: To jibe someone

Example Sentence: He likes to jibe his friends playfully.

Meaning: Catch a jibe

Example Sentence: Don't catch a jibe if they start teasing you.