Meaning & Definition of word "Insubordination"




  • 1. the act of defying authority or refusing to obey orders.
    • Example: The employee was fired for insubordination after repeatedly ignoring his manager's instructions.
  • 2. a refusal to submit to authority, especially in a workplace or military setting.
    • Example: Insubordination can lead to disciplinary action in the workplace.
  • 3. a rebellious attitude towards authority figures.
    • Example: The teacher dealt harshly with any signs of insubordination from her students.
  • 4. the failure to follow established rules or regulations.
    • Example: The soldier's insubordination during the drill resulted in a reprimand.
  • 5. open disobedience to a superior's commands.
    • Example: The captain noted the insubordination of the crew during the crisis.


From Latin insubordinatio, from in- 'not' + subordinatio 'subordination'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

rank and file:

The ordinary members of an organization, especially the military, who are not officers.

follow orders:

To obey instructions given by someone in authority.

breaking rank:

To stop following the rules or orders agreed upon, often in a group context.

Related Words


The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.


The act of following rules or orders.


The action of yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another.

Slang Meanings of insubordination

Meaning: talking back

Example Sentence: He got in trouble for talking back to the teacher.

Meaning: sassing

Example Sentence: She was sassing her parents, which they didn't appreciate.