Meaning & Definition of word "Inconstancy"




  • 1. The quality of being changeable or variable; lack of stability or consistency.
    • Example: The inconstancy of her affections made it difficult for him to trust her.
  • 2. The tendency to change one's loyalties or affections frequently.
    • Example: His inconstancy in relationships led to a reputation for being unreliable.
  • 3. A lack of commitment or dedication; wavering behavior.
    • Example: The inconstancy in his work ethic was evident when he often missed deadlines.
  • 4. Unreliability; the state of being not dependable.
    • Example: The inconstancy of the weather made planning the outdoor event a challenge.


Middle English, from Latin 'inconstantia', from 'in-' meaning 'not' + 'constantia' meaning 'constancy'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

fickle nature:

The tendency to change opinions or feelings frequently.

mercurial temperament:

An often unpredictable and changeable demeanor.

Related Words


The quality of being unchanging or unwavering.


Changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections.


A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.

Slang Meanings of inconstancy

Meaning: Wishy-washy

Example Sentence: He's so wishy-washy; he can't stick to one idea for more than a minute.

Meaning: Flaky

Example Sentence: Don't count on him to show up; he's pretty flaky when it comes to plans.