Meaning & Definition of word "Hopscotch"




  • 1. A children's game played by hopping on a series of squares marked on the ground.
    • Example: The children played hopscotch on the sidewalk, drawing the grid with chalk.
  • 2. A pattern of movement or activity that involves jumping from one point to another.
    • Example: The artist's work was a hopscotch of colorful patterns across the canvas.


  • 1. To jump or move in a way characteristic of the game hopscotch.
    • Example: She decided to hopscotch across the street, laughing with joy.


The word hopscotch originates from the 17th century, possibly from 'hopped' and 'scotch', meaning 'to mark'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hopscotch around:

To avoid or navigate carefully around obstacles.

play hopscotch:

To engage in a simple or playful activity.

Related Words


The act of hopping or leaping forward, often with joy.

childhood games:

Games commonly played by children during their youth.

Slang Meanings of hopscotch

Meaning: To move in a playful and carefree manner across various situations.

Example Sentence: She was hopscotching through life with a carefree attitude.