

Meaning & Definition

A naturally raised area of land, not as high or prominent as a mountain.
We climbed to the top of the hill to get a better view of the valley.
A mound of earth or stone.
They built a small hill in the garden for the children to play on.
A rounded or elevated piece of land.
The village is situated on a hill overlooking the river.
A term often used in specific contexts such as 'the hill', referring to a legislative body, especially in the United States.
The proposal was discussed on the hill before being sent to the president.


Old English 'hyll'

Common Phrases and Expressions

hill of beans:
A small or insignificant amount.
make a mountain out of a molehill:
To exaggerate a minor issue.
The highest point of a hill.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Hilly area known for recreational activities or sports events.
We're heading to the hill for some biking this weekend.
Referring to an informal social setting, especially in a college town.
Let's hang out at the hill later for a bonfire.