Meaning & Definition of word "Herb"




  • 1. A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.
    • Example: Basil is a popular herb used in many Italian dishes.
  • 2. A non-woody plant that is typically small and has leaves, flowers, or stems that are used for seasoning or medicinal purposes.
    • Example: She added fresh oregano, an herb known for its distinct flavor, to the sauce.
  • 3. Any plant that is used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume.
    • Example: Chamomile is an herb often used as a calming tea.
  • 4. A plant that lacks a permanent woody stem and dies down to the ground after the growing season.
    • Example: Gardeners often prefer to grow herbs in pots for easy access while cooking.
  • 5. In traditional medicine, any part of a plant used for therapeutic purposes.
    • Example: Many people turn to herbal remedies, relying on herbs for holistic healing.


Middle English, from Old French 'erbe', from Latin 'herba'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

herb garden:

A garden where herbs are grown.


An animal that primarily eats plants.

herbaceous plant:

A plant that has non-woody stems.

Related Words


The scientific study of plants.


A substance made from a plant used to flavor food.


Related to the treatment of illness.

Slang Meanings of herb

Meaning: A term for marijuana.

Example Sentence: He rolls his own herb for the weekend.

Meaning: A person who is seen as nerdy or awkward.

Example Sentence: That guy is such a herb; he never joins in on anything fun.