Meaning & Definition of word "Hazy"




  • 1. Characterized by the presence of haze; not clear or distinct.
    • Example: The view of the mountains was hazy due to the fog settling in.
  • 2. Unclear in meaning or intention; vague or ill-defined.
    • Example: His memory of the event was hazy, full of details that were hard to recall.
  • 3. Having a slight cloudiness; not transparent.
    • Example: The water in the pond looked hazy from the algae bloom.


Derived from 'haze', which comes from Middle English 'hasen', meaning 'to make dim' or 'to darken'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hazy memory:

a recollection that is not clear or precise.

hazy idea:

a concept that lacks definite details or understanding.

hazy vision:

visual perception that is unclear or obscured.

Related Words


a slight obscurity of the air caused by fine particulates.


thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.


a cloud of tiny water droplets that's less dense than fog.

Slang Meanings of hazy

Meaning: having a vague understanding or memory of something.

Example Sentence: I was a bit hazy on the details of the meeting.

Meaning: feeling dazed or confused, often due to intoxication.

Example Sentence: After the party, I woke up feeling hazy.