Meaning & Definition of word "Hallway"




  • 1. A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.
    • Example: She walked down the hallway, trying to remember where her classroom was located.
  • 2. A corridor or a passage that connects different parts of a building.
    • Example: The hallway was decorated with paintings and photographs from local artists.
  • 3. An area in a home or building that provides access to rooms.
    • Example: He placed a coat rack in the hallway for guests to hang their jackets.


From the words 'hall' + 'way', referring to a way leading to a hall or large room.

Common Phrases and Expressions

down the hallway:

Refers to moving along a hallway, often used to indicate direction.

hallway monitor:

A student assigned to supervise behavior in the hallway.

in the hallway:

Inside the corridor or passageway of a building.

Related Words


The area where one enters a building.


A large entrance hall or reception area.


A long, narrow passage within a building.

Slang Meanings of hallway

Meaning: The place where students gather when they're not in class.

Example Sentence: I always hang out in the hallway during lunch.

Meaning: A term often used in schools to refer to the social space between classes.

Example Sentence: The hallway is where all the gossip happens.