Meaning & Definition of word "Guessing"




  • 1. The act or process of estimating or concluding without sufficient information.
    • Example: Her guessing about the riddle was not far off the mark.
  • 2. An estimate or conclusion that is reached without sufficient information.
    • Example: His first guess was incorrect, but his second guess turned out to be right.


  • 1. The act of estimating or concluding something without sufficient information to be certain.
    • Example: She was just guessing when she predicted the outcome of the game.
  • 2. To make an attempt to answer a question or solve a problem without being sure of the answer.
    • Example: Without knowing the answer, he started guessing the numbers for the lottery.
  • 3. To arrive at a conclusion or opinion by conjecture or educated estimation.
    • Example: The scientist was guessing about the results until the experiments were complete.


Derived from the Old Norse word 'gissa', meaning to suppose or to conjecture.

Common Phrases and Expressions

wild guess:

An estimate made without enough information.

guess what:

Used to invite someone to share a surprising or interesting revelation.

take a guess:

To make an attempt to answer or estimate something.

in the dark:

Not knowing or being unsure, often used in relation to guessing.

Related Words


An approximate calculation or judgment.


A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence.


The formation of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Slang Meanings of guessing

Meaning: A shot in the dark

Example Sentence: Making a choice without any clues is just a shot in the dark.

Meaning: Take a stab at it

Example Sentence: I wasn't sure what the answer was, but I decided to take a stab at it.