Meaning & Definition of word "Grist"




  • 1. Grain that is to be ground, or the action of grinding grain.
    • Example: The farmer brought a load of grist to the mill for processing.
  • 2. Useful material, especially useful information or ideas.
    • Example: The latest research provided plenty of grist for the scholars' debate.
  • 3. Anything that can be turned to advantage; a source of profit.
    • Example: The politician used the scandal as grist for his campaign.


Middle English, from Old English grist, of Germanic origin.

Common Phrases and Expressions

grist for the mill:

Useful or beneficial material, especially in a context that can be exploited or taken advantage of.

grist to someone's mill:

A source of benefit or advantage to someone.

Related Words


The process of grinding grain into flour.


A powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat.

Slang Meanings of grist

Meaning: Material or information that can be used effectively, especially in a debate or discussion.

Example Sentence: That gossip was pure grist for the mill at the town hall meeting.

Meaning: A source of income or a way to profit from something.

Example Sentence: His side hustle became quite the grist for his financial needs.