Meaning & Definition of word "Gripe"




  • 1. A complaint or a grievance.
    • Example: She had a gripe about the new policies at work.
  • 2. A feeling of discomfort or pain.
    • Example: He had a slight gripe in his side after the long run.


  • 1. To complain or express dissatisfaction about something.
    • Example: He tends to gripe about the quality of the service at the restaurant.
  • 2. To cause to feel a sharp, sudden pain.
    • Example: The stomachache will gripe you if you eat too much junk food.


Middle English, from Old English gripan, to seize, grasp.

Common Phrases and Expressions

gripe session:

a meeting or discussion where grievances are aired.

find something to gripe about:

to look for minor issues to complain concerning.

Related Words


a statement that something is wrong or not satisfactory.


a real or imagined wrong or cause for complaint.

Slang Meanings of gripe

Meaning: to complain about something trivial

Example Sentence: Stop griping over small things!

Meaning: an expression of annoyance or dissatisfaction

Example Sentence: His griping gets on my nerves.