

Meaning & Definition

the act of obtaining something.
That was quite a get for the team in the draft.
to come into possession of; to obtain.
I need to get some groceries before dinner.
to become.
It's getting dark outside.
to understand.
Do you get what I mean?
to bring or take someone or something to a particular place.
Can you get the kids from school?
to cause to be in a particular state.
She got him angry with her comments.


Old Norse 'geta' meaning 'to obtain, to reach.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

get going:
to begin or start moving.
get along:
to have a good relationship with someone.
get out of hand:
to become unmanageable.
get in touch:
to contact someone.
get the ball rolling:
to start an activity.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

to understand
I get it now!
to make a profit or gain
He really gets on that investment.