Meaning & Definition of word "Frog"




  • 1. A tailless amphibian with a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes, and a smooth moist skin.
    • Example: We spotted a green frog sitting on a lily pad in the pond.
  • 2. Any of various similar animals, especially those belonging to the order Anura.
    • Example: The little boy was fascinated by the different types of frogs he saw at the nature reserve.
  • 3. A person who studies or is an expert in amphibians.
    • Example: As a herpetologist, she often presented her findings about frogs at scientific conferences.


  • 1. To leap or jump like a frog.
    • Example: The children watched as the cat frogged across the yard after the butterfly.
  • 2. To move or act in a whimsical or playful manner.
    • Example: She frogged around the dance floor, having fun with her friends.


Middle English froge, from Old English frogga

Common Phrases and Expressions

frog in one's throat:

A temporary hoarseness due to a minor throat issue.

a frog prince:

A metaphor suggesting someone who appears unattractive but is actually special.

Related Words


The larval stage of a frog, typically living in water.


A term in knitting relating to creating a stitch pattern resembling frogs.

Slang Meanings of frog

Meaning: To frog something

Example Sentence: When I decided to frog my knitting project, I unraveled the whole thing.

Meaning: Frogger

Example Sentence: In video games, a 'Frogger' is someone who plays the classic arcade game involving a frog crossing a road.