

Meaning & Definition

the act of establishing or creating something, especially an institution or organization.
The founding of the university marked a new era in educational opportunities in the region.
the origin or establishment of something.
The founding of the nation is commemorated every year with a national holiday.
relating to the creation or establishment of something.
The founding principles of democracy are based on freedom and equality.
of or pertaining to the first stages of something.
Many of the founding members of the organization remain active participants today.


Derived from the verb 'found', which comes from the Old French 'fonder', and Latin 'fundare', meaning to lay the base.

Common Phrases and Expressions

founding fathers:
The leaders who established the principles of a nation or organization.
founding member:
An individual who is part of the original group that established an organization.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

In startup culture, referring to the initial construction of a business or project.
Our founding team is putting in long hours to get this off the ground.