Meaning & Definition of word "Fletcher"




  • 1. A person who makes arrows.
    • Example: In medieval times, a skilled fletcher was essential for providing archers with quality arrows.
  • 2. A craftsman specializing in the creation of arrow shafts and fletchings.
    • Example: The fletcher carefully selected the materials for the arrow fletchings to ensure optimal flight.
  • 3. One who makes or sells arrows.
    • Example: The local fletcher had a variety of arrows for both target shooting and hunting.


Middle English, from Old French 'fleche' meaning 'arrow', derived from Latin 'flectere' meaning 'to bend'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

fletcher's bow:

A bow used by or related to a fletcher, specifically for shooting arrows.

fletcher's mark:

A mark or sign indicating the work of a skilled fletcher.

Related Words


The sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows.


A projectile shot from a bow, typically consisting of a shaft with a pointed tip.


A person who makes bows.

Slang Meanings of fletcher

Meaning: A skilled person in any craft, metaphorically referred to as a fletcher.

Example Sentence: That guy is a fletcher when it comes to crafting ideas.

Meaning: A term used jokingly for someone who tries to hit a target accurately.

Example Sentence: In the game, he's the fletcher, aiming for the highest score.