Meaning & Definition of word "Fever"




  • 1. A temporary increase in body temperature, often due to an illness.
    • Example: She developed a fever after catching the flu.
  • 2. An excitement or enthusiasm for something.
    • Example: The fever of the approaching concert kept everyone buzzing with anticipation.
  • 3. A state of intense interest or activity.
    • Example: The town was gripped by football fever during the championship.


Middle English 'fevere', from Old French 'fevre', from Latin 'febris'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

fever pitch:

A state of intense excitement or activity.

fevered brow:

A person who is sweating and ill.

fever dream:

A vivid dream that often occurs during a fever.

Related Words


An abnormally high body temperature due to failed thermoregulation.


A feeling of cold accompanied by shivering, often indicating a fever.


A disease caused by parasites transmitted by mosquito bites, characterized by recurrent fever.

Slang Meanings of fever

Meaning: Fever dream

Example Sentence: After staying up all night studying, I had a fever dream about failing my exam.

Meaning: Feaverish

Example Sentence: He was feeling feverish after working too hard without a break.