Meaning & Definition of word "Feigning"




  • 1. To pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).
    • Example: She was feigning ignorance about the surprise party.
  • 2. To make up or fabricate (a story or an excuse).
    • Example: He was feigning a headache to avoid going out.
  • 3. To simulate or imitate (some quality or condition).
    • Example: The actor was feigning a strong British accent for his role.
  • 4. To feign is to give a false appearance of or to pretend.
    • Example: He feigned confidence during the presentation, despite being nervous.


Middle English 'feinen,' from Old French 'feindre' meaning 'to pretend, to invent.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

feigning illness:

Pretending to be sick to avoid responsibility or obligations.

feigning ignorance:

Pretending not to know something deliberately.

feigning interest:

Pretending to be interested in something that actually holds no interest.

Related Words


A deceptive or pretended blow or movement.


To alter appearance or conceal identity.


An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

Slang Meanings of feigning

Meaning: Fake it till you make it

Example Sentence: He's just feigning confidence at this meeting.

Meaning: Putting on a show

Example Sentence: She was feigning excitement when receiving the gift.