Meaning & Definition of word "Familiarity"




  • 1. The state of being familiar; close acquaintance with or knowledge of something.
    • Example: Her familiarity with the subject made her an excellent candidate for the position.
  • 2. An informal or friendly relationship.
    • Example: They spoke with a sense of familiarity that indicated they had known each other for years.
  • 3. The quality of being well-known or easily recognized.
    • Example: There was a certain familiarity in the way she moved, as if I had seen her before.


From Middle French familiarité, from Latin familiaritas.

Common Phrases and Expressions

familiarity breeds contempt:

The more familiar you are with something, the less respect you may have for it.

to be familiar with:

To be well-acquainted or knowledgeable about something.

Related Words


A person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.


Closeness or connection in a relationship.

Slang Meanings of familiarity

Meaning: Fam

Example Sentence: He's my fam, we go way back.

Meaning: Homie

Example Sentence: That's my homie; we're super familiar with each other.