

Meaning & Definition

The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
Knowing proper dining etiquette is important when attending formal dinners.
A set of rules governing the expectations of social behavior.
Office etiquette dictates that we should keep our workspaces tidy and respect each other’s privacy.
The rules and conventions established for specific situations and settings.
In many cultures, proper etiquette is vital when greeting guests at home.
The conventional rules of behavior for a particular event or activity.
Learning the etiquette of a wedding can help you avoid any embarrassing faux pas.
The accepted and expected norms of behavior in society.
Children are taught basic etiquette from a young age to help them interact well with others.


The term 'etiquette' comes from the French 'étiquette', meaning a label or ticket.

Common Phrases and Expressions

Table manners:
Behaviors expected during dining, such as chewing with your mouth closed.
Business etiquette:
The practices expected in a professional setting regarding manners and communication.
Social graces:
The skills that enable polite interaction and friendly conversation.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Bad form
Showing up late to a formal event is considered bad form.
Social faux pas
His loud laughter during the ceremony was a social faux pas.