Meaning & Definition of word "Enclosure"




  • 1. An area that is sealed off with barriers or fences.
    • Example: The zoo has a large animal enclosure that provides a safe habitat for the lions.
  • 2. A document or item that is included with a letter or package.
    • Example: Please find my resume in the enclosure with this cover letter.
  • 3. The act of enclosing or the state of being enclosed.
    • Example: The enclosure of the garden was completed to keep out the rabbits.


Middle English 'enclosere', from Old French 'enclos', from Latin 'includere' meaning 'to shut in'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

enclosure letter:

A letter that includes something other than just the letter itself.

enclosure movement:

A historical process in England where common lands were privatized.

animal enclosure:

A confined space designed to hold animals.

Related Words


To surround or close off on all sides.


The act of closing something, especially a public service.


An alternative spelling of enclosure, often used in legal contexts.

Slang Meanings of enclosure