Meaning & Definition of word "Elusive"




  • 1. Tending to evade grasp, perception, or understanding; difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
    • Example: The elusive concept of happiness often changes with our circumstances.
  • 2. Hard to identify or define; not clearly understood.
    • Example: She had an elusive charm that captivated everyone around her.
  • 3. In business or economics, hard to pin down or predict.
    • Example: The company struggled to maintain elusive market trends in the face of evolving competition.
  • 4. Difficulty in capturing or articulating.
    • Example: The truth behind the incident remained elusive despite extensive investigations.


From Latin 'elusivus', from 'eluere' meaning 'to evade, to escape'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

an elusive target:

A goal that is hard to hit or achieve.

elusive answers:

Responses that are difficult to understand or grasp.

elusive concept:

An idea that is hard to define or clarify.

Related Words


To escape or avoid using cleverness.

slip away:

To escape quietly or unnoticed.


A person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding.

Slang Meanings of elusive

Meaning: Running from commitments

Example Sentence: He is being so elusive, always running from his responsibilities.

Meaning: Hard to pin down

Example Sentence: She's as elusive as a ghost at parties; you can never really catch her.