

Meaning & Definition

Tending to evade grasp, perception, or understanding; difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
The elusive concept of happiness often changes with our circumstances.
Hard to identify or define; not clearly understood.
She had an elusive charm that captivated everyone around her.
In business or economics, hard to pin down or predict.
The company struggled to maintain elusive market trends in the face of evolving competition.
Difficulty in capturing or articulating.
The truth behind the incident remained elusive despite extensive investigations.


From Latin 'elusivus', from 'eluere' meaning 'to evade, to escape'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

an elusive target:
A goal that is hard to hit or achieve.
elusive answers:
Responses that are difficult to understand or grasp.
elusive concept:
An idea that is hard to define or clarify.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Running from commitments
He is being so elusive, always running from his responsibilities.
Hard to pin down
She's as elusive as a ghost at parties; you can never really catch her.