

Meaning & Definition

conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one's duty.
She was a dutiful daughter, always helping her parents with their needs.
performing one's obligations and responsibilities as expected.
The soldier served his country in a dutiful manner, adhering to the orders he was given.
showing a sense of duty or loyalty.
His dutiful commitment to his work earned him the respect of his colleagues.
characterized by a sense of obligation or loyalty.
Despite her desire for independence, she remained dutiful to her family's traditions.


From duty + -ful, used since the early 19th century.

Common Phrases and Expressions

a dutiful student:
A student who consistently performs their academic responsibilities.
dutifully obey:
To follow orders or instructions with a sense of obligation.
dutiful service:
Service rendered with a sense of duty or obligation.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Doing what one is expected to do.
He's such a dutiful guy, always following the rules.
Sticking to the plan or routine.
She’s dutiful, never missing a single meeting.