

Meaning & Definition

A tough, fibrous membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
The dura mater provides a protective covering for the central nervous system.
The outer layer of the meninges.
In surgery, care must be taken not to damage the dura during the procedure.
Durable or hard; able to withstand wear.
The dura materials used in this construction project ensure it lasts for many years.
Resilient or tough.
Her dura spirit helped her overcome many obstacles in life.


From Latin 'dura mater' meaning 'tough mother.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

dura mater:
The tough outer membrane of the brain and spinal cord.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Informal term used to describe something tough or durable.
That old truck is really dura; it can handle any terrain!
Colloquial reference to someone who is tough or resilient.
She's a dura woman who never backs down from a challenge.